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In 2018 we had an idea about a company that would offer robust braking pads & rotors at wholesale prices, with local Canadian inventory for pickup or express delivery, and a fantastic buying experience! We’ve set a bar high for ourselves and got to work, and this is how AllRotors was born. Our OEM Direct Replacement and Premium Coated Rotors 12 months against cracking 6 months against Manufacturing Defects and/or Warping, if installed with matching AllROTORS pads Our Premium Plus Driller & Slotted Rotors 18 month against cracking 8 months against Manufacturing Defects and /or Warping, if installed with matching AllROTORS pads BRAKE PADS 30 days against Manufacturing Defects
Car Gear Auto Parts and Accessories supplies a large selection of auto parts and accessories. You will find a wide range of products for your car and truck. We offer a large selection of exterior auto accessories and auto parts. Keep your vehicle's exterior looking great. Browse our large selection of interior auto accessories and auto parts for cars and trucks. CarGear offers special prices on overstocked auto parts and accessories from a large selection of suppliers. Choose from a wide variety of car covers and motorcycle covers.

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